



Gertrud Boss Str.5
47533 Kleve  



Telefon: +49/(0)2821 5902608      


Gründer/Inhaber: Josip ABRAMOVIC


Ust.Id.Nr. / VAT: DE305917568




Bank details:

Bank name: Sparkasse Kleve

Bank address: Hagsche Strasse 33, D-47533 Kleve, Germany

BIC: WELADED1KLE                        

Customer data:

Name of account holder: Josip Abramovic

IBAN: DE40 3245 0000 0030 0226 85

Type of account: foreign currency account




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ABRAMOVIC BUSINESS CONSULTING (GERMANY). All texts, images, graphics and animated files and their arrangement are subject to copy-right and other laws to protect intellectual property. They may not be duplicated for trading or distribution purposes or modified and used on other websites without written approval of ABRAMOVIC BUSINESS CONSULTING. Furthermore, we would like to point out that the contents of this website are in part subject to third-party copyrights.*



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